IAQ-EMF Consulting Inc. we conduct an extensive electromagnetic field (EMF) testing at residential properties. The primary objective of this survey is to evaluate the EMF levels throughout the home, particularly due to the presence of buried electric power lines surrounding the property—a common practice in Palm Beach, Florida aimed at enhancing aesthetic appeal and reducing storm-related outages.
Stuart D. Bagley, MS, CIH, led the assessment, utilizing advanced EMF detection equipment to measure the field strength at various locations within the home. During this inspection, Mr. Bagley identified several areas where EMF levels exceeded the safety guidelines established by the World Health Organization (WHO). These elevated levels raised concerns, as prolonged exposure to power-frequency EMF has been associated with an increased risk of childhood leukemia.
Our findings indicated that the certain parts of the home, particularly those closest to the buried power lines, exhibited EMF readings significantly above the WHO’s recommended thresholds. This discovery was critical, as it highlighted potential risks to the occupants, especially young children who are more vulnerable to the effects of EMF exposure.
In response to these findings, IAQ-EMF Consulting Inc. provided a detailed report to the homeowner, outlining the specific areas of concern and the associated EMF levels. The report also included a comprehensive analysis of the potential health implications of these elevated EMF levels, referencing relevant studies and guidelines.

EMF Home Consultants