Electromagnetic Fields: Real Estate Value and Legal Issues

Home values are negatively affected by nearby power lines
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are a subject of interest when it comes to their potential impact on real estate values and health concerns. Two areas of particular concern are high voltage power lines and cell transmission towers. They have been a topic of discussion regarding their potential impact on real estate values and a variety of health concerns. While there are varying opinions on this matter, it’s important to consider the available information and research.
Real Estate Values: Research on the impact of EMFs on real estate values is mixed. Some studies suggest that close proximity to power lines or cell transmission towers may have a negative impact on property prices. The perception of EMFs’ potential health risks can vary among individuals and communities, which may influence property values in certain cases.
Regarding real estate values, some potential buyers or tenants may have concerns about living or working near these structures due to perceived health risks or for aesthetic reasons. However, the extent of this impact can vary depending on factors such as location, property type, distance from the structures, and individual preferences. Home and building values may be impacted by nearby sources of EMF.

It’s important to note that individuals who believe they are particularly sensitive to EMFs may experience symptoms they attribute to exposure, a condition sometimes referred to as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). However, scientific studies have not conclusively linked EHS symptoms to EMF exposure, and the condition is not recognized as a medical diagnosis.

Currently there is no federal standard regarding a public safety near a property can be to a power line or cell tower transmitter in regards to electromagnetic fields. A handful of states within the United States do have regulations. The purchaser of real property has an increased level of concern for their health and safety; and an understanding of the potential risks associated with electromagnetic fields exposure.
Regulatory bodies and health organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), have set guidelines and safety limits to minimize potential risks associated with electromagnetic fields emitted by these structures and have established exposure limits based on scientific research to ensure public safety.
Solutions: We test electromagnetic fields for home and commercial real estate buyers, sellers and realtors. In order to make informed decisions when purchasing real estate it is important to understand the potential health and financial risks associated with electromagnetic fields. Be aware of the risk posed by powerline electromagnetic fields and cell tower transmitter RF emissions. It is imperative that buyers, realtors and their attorneys take the necessary steps to test for electromagnetic fields before making a purchase.
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Stuart D Bagley is a Certified Industrial Hygienist