IAQ-EMF Consulting Inc., a consulting company, and its chief investigator, Stuart D. Bagley, MS, CIH, CSP, were engaged to write a detailed written opinion on the likelihood of significant exposure of occupied office building employees to radiofrequency, non-ionizing radiation from the cell tower exposure to non-ionizing radiation from radiofrequency (RF) transmission signals broadcasting from a nearby cell tower. The cell tower is located within 300 feet of an occupied office building of a large Fortune 500 company. Conclusion: No measurement exceeded FCC regulations or IEEE or ICNIRP guidelines. There is no evidence of cancer as a result of exposure to the cell tower. The evidence affirmed by this study confirms that the nearby cell phone tower does not exceed the guidelines of the FCC or most major consensus groups and is not a probable or likely cause of cancer in the occupied office building.
Cell Tower Radiation, is it harmful?
by StuartB | Oct 29, 2024 | cell tower radiation, Certified Industrial Hygienist, EMF testing consultant near me, non-ionizing radiation